Pedestrian and cyclist road safety on 30km/h access roads
During the past ten years many residential roads in the Netherlands have been converted from 50 km/h roads into 30 km/h roads. The guidelines for 30 km/h access roads describe the road design and the traffic rules for roads where car traffic is allowed, but where children should also be able to play
safely. This road design must prevent fatal injury when a vulnerable road user, a pedestrian or a cyclist, happens to be involved in a crash with a motor vehicle.
door Dr. ir. E.M. Berends & drs. H.L. Stipdonk
During the past ten years many residential roads in the Netherlands have been converted from 50 km/h roads into 30 km/h roads. The guidelines for 30 km/h access roads describe the road design and the traffic rules for roads where car traffic is allowed, but where children should also be able to play
safely. This road design must prevent fatal injury when a vulnerable road user, a pedestrian or a cyclist, happens to be involved in a crash with a motor vehicle.
door Dr. ir. E.M. Berends & drs. H.L. Stipdonk