The Economic Significance of Cycling: A study to illustrate the costs and benefits of cycling policy

  • Soort:Brochures & Flyers
  • Author:Stichting Habitat Platform, I-ce Interface for Cycling Experience en de VNG
  • Uitgever:VNG Uitgeverij
  • Datum:01-07-2000

This report provides an overview of the costs and benefits of cycling and of how such calculations are made.


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  • The authors see it as a contribution to the bike to offer as a serious and versatile solution. Because the bike is cheap, healthy and environmentally friendly. Especially for short distances it is a good alternative to walking, car or public transport. For long distances in combination with public transport . Governments, interest groups and experts appreciate the bike still too little as a means to contribute to welfare and prosperity.


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The Economic Significance of Cycling

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