Amersfoort inhabitants could use a special website ( to report which bike path posts and anti-car bollards are unsafe and which can be removed or allowed to stay. The website has been setup within the Center of expertise on bicycle policy (Fietsberaad) for the reduction of single-vehicle accidents. It has been designed so that visitors of the site using a cell phone are immediately shown a picture of the nearest pole or post.
In part because of responses from the website, the municipality has evaluated 240 poles/posts, of which 90 will disappear. For a number of other poles/posts measures will be taken to make them more visible thereby minimizing as much as possible the risk of accidents.
The next step to be taken by the Fietsberaad will be to launch a similar site for reporting slippery conditions (, which is not yet public). The website will display slippery bike paths indicated by cyclists on a map and cyclists can also indicate where they have suffered a fall. This data will enable the municipality to react quickly and appropriately to possible danger sites confronting cyclists. At the same time the website can inform cyclists of safer detours as well as progress in reducing slipperiness and measures to resolve problem locations via Twitter. A Twitter fountain on the site shows the last 5 tweets. As a result of all of this, cyclists know better what to expect on various cycle routes so that they plan their trip accordingly.