Master Thesis - Cycling behaviour of Moroccan Women

  • Soort:Onderzoeksrapporten
  • Author:Suzie Francke
  • Datum:31-07-2024
  • Opdrachtgever:Radboud Universiteit
  • Opdrachtnemer:Suzie Francke
The thesis examines the mobility inequality issues the female Dutch Moroccan population (of two neighbourhoods in Utrecht), encounters, how the bicycle is integrated into this population, and whether the bicycle indeed decreases mobility inequality.


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  • This thesis explores the themes of mobility inequality and cycling behaviour regarding the female Dutch Moroccan population in Kanaleneiland and Parkwijk. Kanaleneiland and Parkwijk are two neighbourhoods in Utrecht. The Moroccan population is one of the larger immigrant groups in the Netherlands. They have a different mobility pattern compared to the Dutch population. Moroccans often use cars, walking or public transport, while the Dutch often use bicycles or cars. Moreover, Moroccans are less likely to adapt to the transport patterns of the native Dutch population. They are, for example, one of the immigrant groups that cycle the least, along with Turkish immigrants. However, bicycles could be a mode that can decrease the mobility inequalities experienced by the Dutch Moroccan population.

    The thesis examines the mobility inequality issues the female Dutch Moroccan population (of the neighbourhoods mentioned above) encounters, how the bicycle is integrated into this population, and whether the bicycle indeed decreases mobility inequality. Additionally, the thesis aims to look at municipal cycling policies and mobility (in)equality policies in Utrecht (city). The goal is to review and identify any issues and improvements that can be made to current policies. Lastly, the thesis aims to review the cycling lessons in the city of Utrecht. The goal is to review the workings and their effectiveness in getting citizens to cycle.


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Master Thesis - Cycling behaviour of Moroccan Women

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