Design manual for bicycle traffic 2016

  • Soort:Websites
  • Datum:09-07-2018
The Netherlands has the highest rate of bicycle use, provides the widest range of cycling know-how and is famous worldwide for its cycling infrastructure. Worldwide there is increasing interest in the use of bicycles. This manual contains all important aspects for creating and maintaining effective cycling infrastructure. You can order the Design Manual by sending an e-mail to our sales support team ( or call +31 318 695 315

  • You can order the Design Manual by sending an e-mail to our sales support team ( or call +31 318 695 315.

    Creating quality cycling infrastructure and facilities

    Encouraging bicycle use is seen as a way to resolve accessibility problems, make a substantial contribution to sustainability targets and offer a healthy and reliable means of transport. This manual will help designers and policymakers to give the bicycle a full-fledged place in the traffic and transport system and offers a wide array of arguments, empirical data, ideas and tips for effective cycling infrastructure and appropriate cycle facilities.

    New Edition: update knowledge and new topics

    The 2006 design manual for bicycle traffic has been fully revised for 2016. The revised edition includes new topics, such as bicycle highways, appropriate cycle paths and roundabouts for cyclists. In addition, extra focus has been given to proven measures and facilities. But facilities cannot be realized without policy. The Design Manual thus pays ample attention to the policy-related aspects of bicycle traffic and supersedes the Policy Manual for Bicycle Traffic issued by the Dutch Bicycle Council (Fietsberaad).


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Design manual for bicycle traffic 2016

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