Best Practices Dutch Cycling - 17. Closing Remarks

  • Soort:Voorbeeldenbank
  • Uitgever:Dutch Cycling Embassy
  • Datum:14-01-2021
The closing remarks of the book 'Best Practices Dutch Cycling'


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  • Closing Remarks

    In 2020, the COVID-19 fundamentally changed the way we look at cities, offering a unique window of opportunity to rethink, redefine, and reallocate urban streetscapes and the way they are used. Everywhere in the world, pop-up bike lanes have been implemented to provide more space for cyclists, providing a reliable means of providing physical space for exercise and maintaining mental and physical health, as well as an alternative for public transportation. However, it is of the utmost importance that these changes are thoroughly considered and carefully implemented, to avoid common mistakes and adverse effects. The big question is how to move from pop-up bike lanes and temporary solutions to permanent ingredients for successful urban transformation?​

    Tour de Force

    This book has been developed on behalf of Tour de Force.


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Best Practices Dutch Cycling - 17. Closing Remarks

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